Strata How to Distinguish Duties to Pay and Repair
It is important to know who is responsible for paying and arranging repairs in…
Homeowner Insurance Bylaws are Unenforceable Due to These 8 Reasons
Are your homeowner insurance bylaws enforceable? Homeowner insurance bylaws…
What is the Strata Management and why it is important?
Strata management is a term used to describe the management of a strata…
Do You Know Difference of Strata and Rental Manager?
A Strata Property Manager and Rental Property Manager both assist with…
Can A Strata Force Owners To Purchase Homeowner Insurance?
Some stratas require owners to purchase homeowner insurance and to provide a…
New Statutory Requirement on Electrical Planning Report
B.C. passed legislation May 11, 2023, to enable strata corporations to more…
Auto Door Openers in a Strata and Human Rights
Yes, this might be a human right issue. Once a complaint is received, a strata…
Indemnity Agreement and Alteration to Common and Limited Common Property
Indemnity Agreements, also known as Assumption of Responsibility Agreements,…
Metrowest has Never Allowed the Referral Fees and Kickbacks
Over the past years the strata insurance market has been challenging. On…